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Contribution Rules

To maintain the quality and organization of the project, please follow these rules:

  1. Avoid Duplicates: Before adding a new concept, check existing files to ensure the topic isn’t already covered.

  2. File Naming: Use lowercase letters and hyphens for file names (e.g.,

  3. Format: Each markdown file should follow this structure: # Concept Title

## Description Brief explanation of the concept.

## Examples Include code snippets or examples if applicable.

## References Any references or links to further reading.

  1. Adding Content:
  2. You can contribute by enhancing the content of existing markdown files.
  3. You may also create new files for concepts that are not already covered.

  4. Links:

  5. You can only include links in files that you create yourself, such as links to references or further reading.
  6. Do not add links in existing files; they should remain focused on the content.
  7. You can include links to your social media profiles in the contributor information section at the bottom of each markdown file.

  8. Contributor Information: At the bottom of each markdown file, include your name and links to your profiles: Contributor: Your Name
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Happy contributing!